
Bottoms Up Peanut Butter Jar

Every once in  a while an idea for a product comes along that we wonder why this hasn’t been the standard way of doing things all along. This is the case with the “Bottoms Up Peanut Butter” jar.

Double sided peanut butter jar


Seriously, why would one want to fish around for the last of the peanut butter, when you could just open the other end and dig into it. Peanut Butter is far too valuable a resource to waste it on knuckles that scrape against the edges of the jar.

Now, we have written about a similar design before on NerdBeach, but the story behind this idea makes it even better. Back in 2007, 9 year old Bella Prieto was making a snack on toast when she got the idea. The concept caught on, and soon Bella was featured on The Ellen Degeneres Show honoring young inventors. Bella was even credited with a patent publication on October 30, 2008, after first having a provisional patent the year before. Kudos, Bella!

Young Inventor Bella Prieto (Picture credit The Glastonbury Citizen November 30, 2007)


Now, here we are, 8 years later, and we are still digging in the vast dark corners of the jar to get to the last of the peanut butter. Bella, thanks for showing us the way, but now we need manufacturers to deliver the goods. That is, unless they are trying to sell more peanut butter by not having easy access to the bottom of the jar. I think I will boycott peanut butter until they give us a better container.

Okay, in all honesty I won’t be boycotting peanut butter any time soon. And I don’t want anyone else to either, since it might interrupt the flow of the spice from Arrakis peanut butter. But I do know that there is a better way. And Bella, I hope you are still inventing – modern life needs minds that look beyond the ordinary.

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