
Buy Your New Mech Today for only $1.4 Million

Isn’t it time that you forgo the usual type of heavy armored transportation and went with a new mech? Suidobashi Heavy Industries are ready to put you in the driver seat for only $1.4 million, a small price to pay for the ultimate in advanced mechanization bragging rights.

The 13 ft tall units, known as the Kuratas, feature such powerful advanced weaponry as water bottle launchers and smile activated bb gun turrets (which no doubt makes it very hard to STOP firing). It can also be operated in both a low (stealth?) mode and a high mode by extending or retracting its legs.

The Kuratas was designed by namesake artist Kogoro Kurata, while robotics expert Watau Yoshizaki created the robotic underpinnings. Driving should be a snap, thanks to a Kinect-based movement interface. But in just case you are rusty on your mech piloting skills, check out the training video below:

Mech or Iron Man?

“Mech” typically does not refer to form-fitting garments such as the Iron Man powered armor. Mechs tend to be much larger and bulkier than the wearer and the wearer’s limbs may or may not actually extend completely into the respective limbs. Despite this, it is often difficult to distinguish between mechs and powered armor. An example is seen in Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 which feature both “hard suits” and “K-suits”. Despite both technologies being called “suits” (implying they are worn), the K-suit is much more bulky, and does not fit the form of the person inside.


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