
Overall Balance Scale, an In-Depth Fitness Tool

Walking up and down the Beach does keep one fit for the most part, but it is good to watch things at times.  Freshly landed on the beach for just that purpose we have the Overall Health Balance Scale from Japan's National Electric.   The device consists of two parts, one you stand on and the other you hold.  The Overall Balance Scale can tell you a lot of information, including weight, BMI, subcutaneous fat ratio, organ fat level, muscle level, and basal metabolic rate.  While that should be enough for any health nut, it also ranks you in each category and give you an overall health for you given age.  Finally, the Balance Scale can rate your balance and posture, helping you find your center of gravity.  Wow, and I thought stepping on the scales occasionally was considered a fitness check.

Aloha from the Beach,



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