
Seascout is a Robotic Ocean Rescuer


Being lost at sea would be a much more survivable, if not pleasant, experience with this robot at your disposal.  The Seascout, by Andre Design, is a robotic swimmer designed to brave hazardous conditions and come to the rescue.


The ocean rescuer robot is guided by a GPS tracking device worn by the distressed party.  Once activated, it swims out to the victims and literally scoops them up.  From there it carries  them back to shore, all the while giving them a ride in style with internal lighting, a (hopefully tinted) sunroof, and a radio system.  The rescued parties may not be in any condition to use the radio, but thanks to a unique design (did we mention the scooping?) that is not required for the rescue to take place.  As far as we can tell, the Seascout is currently in prototyping.


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