
Anti Theft Stickers Make Your Car Look Bad – On Purpose

ScratchStickersThe concept of a theft deterrent really comes down to this – make your stuff look like the poorer choice of a target. There are many ways to do this: a visible alarm system, some means of visible physical restraint, and closely monitored property are a few examples.

But one way to make your possessions appear less of a good target choice is to make it appear less valuable than the others.  This is where Dominic Wilcox's Anti-Theft stickers come into play.

The stickers make you vehicle (or other property) appear very realistically all scratched and banged up, even rusty.  The would be thief then chooses another more pleasing target.  Simple concept.

I am not sure of either how effective they or or how long you would really want your vehicles to look worse than they really are, but it would be fun to apply the stickers to your friend's vehicles.

Aloha from the Beach


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