
Awaseba, the Virtual Fitting Room

I look through the Basket Case online catalog, trying to decide what to buy in an attempt to be somewhat stylish.  There is a cool Pink Floyd shirt, but the colors don't seem to be right, so I am afraid that it won't look right while wearing it.  Still curious and liking the shirt, I click on the Virtual Fitting Room. In just a moment I see an image of myself with the shirt on.  "Hey, that looks pretty good, considering who's modeling it" I think to myself as I click add to cart.  Ah, the joys of shopping online.

Trying clothes on virtually has been something that major online retailers have had an interest in, but so far no attempt has proven successful.  Avielon Co. is looking to change that with their Awaseba Virtual Fitting Room.  The first time user creates an account and uploads a picture that will become their fitting room virtual doppelganger.  From then on they simply log in and start shopping.  The product is being marketed to online retailers, with service to the user being free.  Another cool feature is that the profile with accompaning image would work between multiple store sites. And if you get tired of shopping you can use this for nefarious purposes- simply submit a picture of your current non-favorite person, place them in some embarrassing clothing, and capture away.

Aloha from the Beach,



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