
Interactive Floor Brings Virtual Reality One Step Closer

I enter the Beach House and take a step into the sparse room. The water moves around my feet, creating swirls as I walk through the room. A fish plays along my feet but deftly avoids being stepped on as I  trudge on through.  Yes, this was much better than carpeting, and this is only the standby mode. I am glad the Interactive Floor washed up from the Cyber Sea.

The Interactive Floor is on display as part of The Science of Survival, and it incorporates a high power projector and sensors to track movement.  The setup was designed by Arcstream AV, and the display can change depending on the number of people and type of movement it detects. According to Stephen Foulger, content director,

We saw the living image display as a great way to add to the theming of the area. The interactivity of the technology was also a major factor. We were really impressed with the technology’s ability to engage people’s senses – sight, sound and touch – which proved particularly popular with our younger visitors

The effect, especially the rippling water, is quite convincing.  I wonder how long before we see this type of technology application make its way into schools and homes?   Then again, it might be a very niche market.

Aloha from the Beach,


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