
DIY Solar Powered Rover

This Nerd Beach Exclusive is a very quick project in building a solar powered rover.  The main items you need will be a small electric powered car chassis and small solar cells, depending on what you can find.  The solar cells we used were very low efficient (i.e. cheap), but by putting three of them together the voltage was sufficient to drive the single motor.  The cells are connected in series, and wired to the battery ground and the existing power switch.


In constructing the solar rover the decision was made to go for speed of assembly rather than finesse, so hot glue was chosen as the construction medium of choice.  The solar cells were laid down on their face and hot glued together from the back, and the wires were attached as needed.  The donor chassis (containing motor, wheels, and switch ) was then laid on solar panel array and hot glued to it.


Once that was done a wire tie was ran around the chassis and steering arm.  This  was used to force the steering into a turn position.  The ideal is that we could set the car down in the sun and the car would run its circular course until the sun went down without supervision (did we mention that this was to be a fast project?).


After that was complete, we let the glue set up for a few more minutes, then tried it out.  The rover worked great, and we left it running for a few hours, occasionally setting it back on course as it would drift occasionally on the cracked cement we happened to use as a test area.  The video below shows the rover in action.


The project worked out quite well, and the cool thing is that it uses no external power, all you need is good sunlight and a flat place to run her.  The rover uses a very simple circuit, as you can see from the schematic below.

CAUTION:When working with projects please take precautions when it comes to any hot glue or soldering iron.

Electronic sandwich not for consumption

Now, how could the readers expect Nerd Beach to pass up an electronic sandwich when it bobs up from the Cyber Sea?  Well, we didn't, and here it is in all of its carbohydrated goodness. I will spare you from all of the jokes about "bread-boarding" that is running rampant in my mind.

The sandwich lights up in fun and interesting ways when fully assembled, but I would suggest that it is best served as a conversation piece rather than lunch. 


Wine can recharge your car battery

You need to go but your car battery  is flat – what are you to do?  Well, if you happen to have some wine handy, you can use that  in a pinch to revitalize your automotive battery and get back on the road.

Of course, since we are combining wine with driving here. we strongly suggest that the bulk of the wine goes into the battery and not the driver.  But the acidic properties of the wine could provide a needed boost to your battery, and in the video Kipkay shows you how to use wine to charge your car battery.

NOTE: Video is for Educational purposes only. Improper use could cause injury or death.


DIY – Easy but effective stink bomb

Stink bombs can be an effective way to clear a room.  It can also make a friend into an enemy and an enemy into a nemesis. The more effective the stink bomb (i.e. the more it stinks), the greater the estimated payback attempt will be.

But making a stink bomb, as Kipkay shows us here, can be very easy.  Actually the stink bomb detailed could be very effective, depending on the hair used.  Anyone that has smelled burnt hair or rubber will no doubt wince a bit when watching the video below. 


CAUTION: Please note that the info presented herein is for educational purposes only.  Improper use can cause injury or death.