
The Many Faces (And Voices) Of Superheroes


Did you ever wonder how many different actors have played your favorite Super Hero? This infographic breaks it down, including by voice, movies, and TV. There may even be a few surprises in store. I mean, did you know that John Rhys-Davies voiced Thor? Twice? Click the image below for a larger version.



Firefly Fluxx Card Game Adds To The Growing Fluxx Stable


If there is one card game that we have been playing a lot at the NerdBeach home base, it is Star Fluxx. The game, with its quick turns and endless strategy, has become the game of choice. In fact, there have been major escalations over just the interpretation of the rules, and to the winner goes the spoils of bragging rights.

But now there is a new Fluxx game on the horizon, and it too has a SciFi focus. This one is Firefly Fluxx, based on everyone’s SciFi western mashup that got canceled all too soon. But all the gang’s here, including Mal, Wash, Zoe, Inara, Kaylee, Jayne, Simon, River, and Book. And with art by Adam Levermore, this fast paced, constantly changing game will probably be fun for fans of Fluxx and Firefly when it launches on March 18th.


What If The Star Trek Series Enterprise Was Just A Holodeck Adventure?


When the series Enterprise launched, it had many fans of Star Trek scratching their heads and doing double takes. First, if the ships were meant to be the forerunners of the vehicles in the TOS era, they looked more advanced than those yet too come. By comparison they were much more Next Generation-ish than TOS-ish. And then there were menacing Vulcans, wrong-foreheaded Klingons, and huge plot holes.

What could explain all of these issues? Even the theme music was wrong. Well, maybe there is an explanation, thanks to a new fan theory. As it turns out, just maybe the whole thing was a holodeck story, designed to entertain more than to be factual. And in many ways, there may be some truth to that statement.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I enjoyed watching Enterprise, and would love to see more episodes of any Star Trek show back on the small screen. But if there is any real criticism I have of the show, it is this – did they have to kill off one of my favorite characters at the end? That was disappointing.

While we are on the subject, I think we should apply the “It’s just a holodeck story” theory to all of the new Abrams-inspired movies. Now that works for me, even better than the alternate timeline theory.


Portal Versus Half-Life: The Cake Fight Video


If you’re a fan of Portal or Half Life, or both as many seem to be, then you may enjoy this mashup of the two video game series. In it we have the two protagonists fighting over – what else – cake. The video, entitled logically enough “Portal vs Half-Life”, was created by Andrew McMurry of AndrewMFilms.

I like the video, but after watching it in action I have decided that I need a portal gun. There is just so many great and creative things to do with it – a few are even practical. Of course, if it involved fighting Gordon Freeman to get one, well, sometimes the prize is just not worth the effort.
