
Are You Suffering From Star Wars Hangover?


Star Wars: The Force Awakens has come and almost gone. Well, that is, it has come to the local cinema multiplex anyway – the DVD and streaming deluge is yet to hit. But given the weeks since its release, maybe you are suffering from overindulgence in all things Star Wars. This is exactly the question that the following video jokingly ponders…

Of course, my favorite line is, “I like Star Trek better anyway”, but then again who am I to judge – Star Wars is just good fun. And I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the next exciting installment in the series. But for now, take two aspirins and wait for the home release…

Star Wars: The Honest Trailer

With the first of many new Star Wars movie just around the corner, it is only fitting that we have the honest trailer version for Star Wars. Warning: if the sense of humor isn’t strong with you, you may not want to watch…


New 2016 CBS Star Trek TV Series Rumor

NCC-1701 – The Original Starship Enterprise


It seems there are new reports of a Star Trek return to the small screen on CBS. The current scuttlebutt has the official announcement coming after the next big screen feature, Star Trek 3, has ran its course over Summer 2016.

Now, I think we are LONG overdue for a new Star Trek series to grace our small screens. It has been over 10 years since Enterprise has vacated that spot, and despite new media offerings from a plethora of new sources (expanded channels, weekly premium content, online networks, and more), nothing has filled the void like only Star Trek can.

I have secretly hoped that someone like Netflix would step up and give us a new series that the big networks were unwilling to provide. But the success of the new movies no doubt bode well for an official return, and the timing of the announcement after the next release adds a bit of validity to the rumor.

It can’t happen too soon, in my ever so humble Trekkie opinion. But just one thing: set it in the original Star Trek universe, not the alternative timeline of the new movies. Killing almost all the Vulcans and throwing away a rich knowledge base to build upon is simply not logical…

Stay tuned for more information.