
How Star Wars Lightsabers Work (Infographic)


When the original Star Wars introduced us to the lightsaber, the preferred tool of the Jedi was immediately embraced by practically all of the scifi community. More exact than a blaster, and more hight tech than a Ninja sword, the lightsaber was capable of deflecting beams and slicing through practically anything that stood in the way. While the facts behind a lightsaber are a bit more fanciful than factual, check out the infographic below for some entertaining information about everyone’s favorite futuristic cultured weapon.


New Star Trek USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F Revealed

Without new TV Star Trek, fans are searching for some way to get their Trekkie fix. A lot of fans are turning to Cryptic’s Star Trek Online, and the buzz is generally good about the game.  Recently Adam Williams, ship designer for Star Trek Online, shared with us via Twitter the latest designs for probably the best known call letters of any starship in SciFi, NCC-1701. Yes, these are designs for the new in-game USS Enterprise, officially NCC-1701-F. With the serious drought of new TV Star Trek, it is great to know that the Star Trek universe continues to grow.

Fan Remakes The Wrath of Kahn Mutura Battle

Star Trek fans are no doubt suffering from the lack of new content on a regular basis, and we are soon left to fend for ourselves. One such fan, mylex67, has re-imagined the Mutura Battle in TWOK, and we are delighted with the effort. The video combines new CG elements with existing movie footage, blended together for a smooth viewing experience. The quality of fan created media continues to impress me, and this one is no exception. Here's to more entertaining creations from a very important component of science fiction, the fan. Video below.

via fanboy


Computer-Generated or Computer Graphics (CG) is the application of the field of computer graphics or, more specifically, 3D computer graphics to special effects in art, video games, films, television programs, commercials, simulators and simulation generally, and printed media. The visual scenes may be either dynamic or static.



19 Things You Didn’t Know About Star Wars (Infographic)


If you have even a passing interest in science fiction, then you may be a fan of the Star Wars movies. Now, if you are a child, there is even a bigger chance that you are a huge fan of the movies, and have detailed knowledge of numerous Star Wars facts, including such things as proper light saber colors and wookie names. But if you want to test you knowledge, check out the infographic below. And if you have trouble, find a kid – they may be able to help.

