
First Light Lamp Gives Green Light

postfossil_firstlight As I watch the storm attempt to beat the surf into unrelenting submission, I decide it would be a good time to sleep or read, and I opt for the latter. I pick up my current reading material ("Into The Surf") from the end table  and reach over to the lamp.  Instead of flicking a switch I simply pull the weight cord, and instantly the room is filled with a nice soft glow.  I settle back to read by the self-sufficient lamp, being interrupted by only an occasional flash of lightning.

The Postfossil First Light Lamp is a device that will provide you with light, using only freely abundant gravity for the power. Much like a grandfather clock, the lamp uses a weight that is raised daily. Once raised, the falling weight apparently turns a generator to charge the lamp, assuring that light is always on hand. This ingenious and rather classic looking lamp is not available on the market yet, but as the light it produces I would suspect that it would get a warm glowing welcome.

Aloha from the Beach



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