
Ice Cube Jewels For The (Excessively) Discriminating Taste


So, you are throwing a high end black tie party (maybe to celebrate the release of the new Star Trek movie on DVD?) and you want to impress a few folks.  Well, consider throwing a little bling in the drinks to get their attention.  The 3D ice cube gems allow you to create your own kind of icing for the drinks.  

I would imagine that clear cubes would work best – After all, it would resemble diamonds, and it would avoid leaching coloring out to the drink itself.  It would also not last long thanks to their diminutive size, but a scoop of diamonds would look pretty cool going into a drink.

Of course, ice cubes shaped like the Enterprise (along with a large ice sculpture of the same design) would impress me the most at such a party, but to each their own.



Rubber ice Trays?

The first rubber ice cube tray was invented by Lloyd Groff Copeman. One day in 1928, while walking through some woods collecting sap for maple syrup, Copeman noticed that slush and ice flaked off his rubber boots easily, rather than adhering to them. Having recalled this incident over lunch with his patent attorney, he conducted experiments using rubber cups, and later set about designing and then patenting different types of tray: a metal tray with rubber separators, a metal tray with individual rubber cups, and a tray made completely of rubber

source: wikipedia


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