
Stylish Pi 8 Speed Electric Bike

Marcus Hayes has designed the Pi 8 Speed Electric Bicycle to go for a long ways on a little power.  The bike features a dual power setup to fit the situation at hand. The bike can either run on full electric power with a range of around 30 miles, or it can go to pedal assist mode which gives it a range of around 100 miles with a recharge of 3 to 5 hours.   The bike can also be pedaled normally.

The frame contains and hides the Lithium Ion batteries the bike uses uses for power, and a 750 watt electric motor pushes you along at up to 20 mph.  The automatic transmission is controlled by a thumb switch, and is selectable into different modes including:

  • Rapid Acceleration 
  • Incline climbing (quicker up hills but slower topend)
  • Manual Shifting

All of this technology is not cheap, and the Pi 8 Speed Electric Bicycle will set you back a squeamish $5,500.  You can find the bike at Hammacher Schlemmer.



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