
Pocket friendly Bushnell Backtrack GPS great for simple GPS needs

There are times that a standard GPS would be handy, but a bit overblown for the simple chore at hand.  For example, finding the car at a sporting event or finding your campsite on the way back fro a small hike is a simple action, one that those not GPS savvy could find themselves aided by a simpler device.  The small weather resistant Bushnell BackTrack is designed for these uses and more.

The unit has a single button to mark your starting position with, and by using GPS and a self-calibrating digital compass it shows you the way back and how far away it is – very pocket friendly and easy to use.  The device ruins on 2 AAA batteries and incorporates the highly sensitive SiRF Star III GPS receiver.

The Bushnell Backtrack is pocket and pocketbook friendly at only $59.99 from Amazon.  Great device to have on almost any kind of excursion, from mall trips (if you have ever lost your car in a sea of vehicles you know what I am talking about) to day hikes.



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