
Ubanana uCan Waterproof MP3 Player Has No Wires to Tangle


Having a MP3 player in the water usually doesn't work out so well.  The biggest problem is the mp3 player itself, being electronic and not sealed, water will pretty much destroy it. The next problem are the earbuds, again not protected from water.  But the third biggest problem, and one that might not be so readily apparent, are the wires that could tangle you up, especially a problem because your arms tend to thrash about more when you are in the water or playing sports.

The Ubanana uCan (99 euro, $155) solves all three of these at once.  The unit and earplugs are waterproof, and the design eliminates the wires. The unit is waterproof down to 3 meters,has 1GB  of memory, and runs for 15 hours.  The uCan is really great for all kinds of sports (the unit goes behind your head).  The player is slated to be available in July 08.


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