
Xtend-A-Trunk Helps You Carry Large Loads in your Trunk

There are times when getting something in your trunk (if you have a vehicle with a trunk) is like xtendatrunk_071008getting a square elephant into a round keyhole – it simply is not going to fit. For those times, Totes is offering the Lighted Xtend-A-Trunk.

The Xtend-A Trunk allows you to carry larger items in your trunk that may not fit otherwise by managing your trunk lid for you. The device is basically a flashing light suspended between strong adjustable steel cords.  You attach the cords between the trunk lid and the bottom, tighten the cord to keep the trunk lid down, and turn on the flashing light which acts as a no tailgate warning and caution to motorists behind you.

The Lighted Xtend-A-Trunk uses 2 AAA batteries (not included – I bet you were expecting that) and costs $14.95.  You can find it at AJ Prindle.


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