
Miracle Berry Tablets Create Havoc for your Tastebuds

miracleberrytablets_070908If you want to freak out your tastebuds for a while, or  if you want to pretty much avoid your favorite foods for a few hours, then the Miracle Berry Tablets might be interesting.  The tablets contain rogue glycoprotein molecules which bind to the tastebuds on your tongue.  This causes the taste response to shift dramatically.  

The response to the tablets have been well received, with  "Flavor Tripping Parties" popping up where the participants take the tablets and experiment with unlikely foods.  The effects last for around two hours, so you can do a lot of experimentation in that time. According to reviews found on firebox, the users have experienced similar Results. One user writes,

Take your tastebuds on a trip with these miraculous tablets that make sour things taste wonderfully sweet. Lemons taste like toffee, vinegar tastes treacly and Guinness tastes all chocolately. Wonka-tastic !

Of course, the tablets would lend themselves well to practical jokes, but the implementation and potential effects I'll leave to the imagination and delight of the reader.

The Miracle Berry Tablets cost £9.95, and you can find them at


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