
Legos Can Fix It


Jan Vormann has created an project that delights me. Jan has filled decrepit walls in Bocchignano, Italy, with Lego blocks built to fill the missing wall pieces.

The art project spans across the Sabina region of Italy, and you can find the Lego building fixes in various places filling in missing corners and flat areas of aging buildings and structures.

Now, I know that I am not as sophisticated as a lot (any?) of the major art critics, but I think this is one art project that delivers a range of ideals, from the futility of modern quick fixes to creative uses of space.  Not to mention it is just fun.


Of course, Nerd Beach does no condone the destruction or defacing of any historical building or property, and we hope that the process of placing the Legos does no damage to the structures and that the Legos are removed when the art project has ran its course.


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